Thursday, April 19, 2012

Stephen Lynch...deserves to be heard

If you're looking for a good laugh with some melodic tunes to accompany your laugh, Stephen Lynch is just what you're looking for.  He is a comedic musician who definitely deserves some attention.  Some of you may know of him already, but I still feel the need to talk about him.

I first heard of Lynch when I was in the car with my cousin and she put on a song entitled "Vanilla Ice Cream."  This song is absolutely hilarious.  The song is essentially a claim that the singer is not racist, he simply prefers girls of races other than white.  He basically says that he is not racists against his own race.  I would definitely recommend taking a listen because some of the lines in the song are priceless.

Another song by Lynch that is always funny is "Little Tiny Mustache."  This song starts by describing the relationship between the singer and his girlfriend.  He describes various things relating to Nazis and the Holocaust.  Then the chorus breaks out in which he repeatedly says "I think you're a Nazi baby."  Two very funny lines in the song go like this:

You showed up late to our very first date
I said "How are you?", you said "White Power"

One other song entitled "Beelz" by Lynch is about Satan.  The song starts off very dark, but then he starts singing in a very flamboyant voice in order to portray Satan in a very different light than usual.  Again, the lyrics are hilarious.  You should really take a look at some of Lynch's songs because they are all pretty comical.  Also, if you just love to listen to music all the time and you also love comedy like me, you can get both of those very things from the same person which is awesome.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Javier Diaz...deserves to be heard

Javier Diaz was a contestant on the show "Mi nombre es" which means "My name is."  This is a show where people come on and try to imitate famous artists.  In his first appearance on the show, Diaz walks out on the stage and says "Mi nombre es Eddie Vedder" (My name is Eddie Vedder).  For those of you who don't know, Eddie Vedder is the frontman of the band Pearl Jam and his voice has an extremely distinct sound to it.  I personally love Pearl Jam and if you are a fan as well, I would definitely recommend checking Javier out.

Diaz sings "Yellow Ledbetter" in his first appearance and he absolutely kills it.  His voice sounds as close to Eddie Vedder's as anyone's voice can.  I have posted the video of this performance above which is just one of his many performances on the show.  The lyrics of "Yellow Ledbetter" have a lot of disagreement over them because of Vedder's distinct yet hard to make out voice.  Nonetheless, Diaz manages to sound exactly like him.  He also sings "Even Flow", "Alive", and other popular Pearl Jam songs.  In each of these songs I find myself feeling astonished that the person singing is not Eddie Vedder.  Without seeing the video, I am sure I could fool most people with thinking that Eddie Vedder was the one performing.

A friend of mine showed me the video of Diaz's Yellow Ledbetter performance a while ago, but I recently stumbled across the video again and I decided he was a good candidate for a blog post.  If you are a fan of Pearl Jam, you'll definitely enjoy and more than likely be amazed by Diaz's voice.  If you just know what Vedder's voice sounds like, take a listen and hear the resemblance for yourself.  I promise you won't be disappointed.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Rodrigo y Gabriela...deserve to be heard

Rodrigo y Gabriela are unlike any band that I have discussed in previous weeks.  They have a very unique style of playing and their music is all instrumental.  I don't even know what to call their genre of music other than acoustic.  Their original songs also have a very "Spanishy" feel to them, but I still don't know if there is a genre that can accurately describe their music.  They play very fast paced and use their guitars to keep time much like drums would in a normal band.  What I mean by that is they use their guitars as percussion instruments as well as playing the guitar as it is normally played.  They hit the body of their acoustic guitars and the guitar acts like a drum since it is hollow.  This is technique is used by many artists, but there is truly something special about Rodrigo y Gabriela.  Gabriela mainly keeps the rhythm and Rodrigo plays the lead guitar.

Just a little side note, I am currently listening to them while writing this post and I honestly forgot how impressive and talented they are.  I don't know how else to describe them other than unbelievable.

Mountain Weekly News
Anyway, I would highly encourage you to take a listen to them.  One of their more popular songs is entitled "Tamacun" which is extremely good.  I posted a video of that song above.  The riffs played throughout the song are extremely catchy and fast paced and I can't imagine anyone disliking it.  At the very least, you have to at least listen to them to appreciate their talent.  I haven't heard a song by them that I didn't like, but if you're looking for something you can relate to a little more, they do a cover of "Stairway to Heaven" which is very good.  That is always a good song to listen to in my opinion.

They recently released a new album entitled "Area 52."  I have not had a chance to listen to it yet, but I'm sure it is just as amazing as all of their other music.  If you enjoy "Tamacun" or anything else of theirs, you should take a look at their new album as well.