Thursday, February 9, 2012

John Butler Trio...deserves to be heard

John Butler Trio is a very talented band from Australia.  While they are a pretty popular band over there and there YouTube videos have a ton of views, I still feel like most people I know have not heard of them.  I would classify there style as a mix of alternative rock and folk rock.  Their music is very chill and easy to listen to. Also, for the most part, the songs have meaning behind them.  The song "Peaches and Cream" is about Butler's wife and daughter.  He basically sings about how they have completed his life.  One line which is repeated throughout the song is "she filled my half empty cup."  This is in reference to his daughter and it emphasizes the fact that he was only living half of his life and fulfilling half of his purpose before she came along.

One of the reasons that I really like John Butler Trio is the fact they are a jam band.  I love watching live performances where a four or five minute song turns into ten or fifteen.  They just play and have fun and feel the music.  That is something that I really appreciate in a band.  It just makes them more enjoyable because when a band is jamming, there passion for music come to light.  

One specific performance of one specific song is really what got me into John Butler Trio and I still consider the best performance without any lyrics that I have ever heard.  There is not one word in the song, yet it mesmerizes me each and every time I listen to it.  The song is "Ocean" and it was performed at Federation Square which is in Australia.  There are obviously many other performances which are all amazing, but I just have a love for this specific performance.  I highly recommend you listen as I have posted the video to the right.  

Another interesting note is that John Butler actually puts fake nails on his fingers to help with finger picking which he is very good at.  You can actually see the fake nails in his live performances so take a look at them in the Federation Square video if you choose to watch it.  To end this entry as it should be ended, John Butler Trio AND the song "Ocean", deserve to be heard.

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